The Contractor had a great week again. Good weather helps construction go well.
They completed 90% of the concrete work and completed the east concrete curbcut into the commercial center at 149 Tenderfoot.
Schedule for the week of June 7th:
Contractor will finish the concrete at the Lake Dillon Drive intersection and the west driveway to the commercial plaza.
Contractor will finish spreading topsoil in disturbed areas behind the sidewalks.
Contractor will finish modifications to the Bocce Courts.
Contractor will pave the parking lot on Thursday, weather permitting,
Contractor will pave the road on Friday, weather permitting.
The end is near.
Access to 149 Tenderfoot (Liquor Store and Scrappy's Pizza)
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday access will be from the east (LaBonte) using the new east entrance.
We will update everybody about access on paving days.